William Bwambale is the new Uganda Primary Schools Sports Association President

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The Uganda Primary Schools Sports Association (UPSSA) confirmed new leaders on Thursday 21st March.

The elective assembly was held at Front Page Hotel Namasuba on Entebbe Road.

William Bwambale has been confirmed the newly appointed president for UPSSA after going through unopposed.

Former president Pauline Musigire is now the first vice president while Michael Nalugoda is the second vice president.

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Sarah Aol is the third vice president while Diana Komugisha is the secretary for women.

Sammy Odong the assistant commissioner in charge of Physical Education in Sports has requested the newly elected members to give it all as they serve,

“Primary is the base so as the ministry we take this organisation so serious, I thank you for going through the constitutional review that led to this moment.”

“Sport is for everyone so if you are coming in to serve please serve voluntarily with whole your heart”

Justice Mugisha the president Uganda Secondary schools Sports Association (USSSA ) pledged full support to the newly elected Committee,

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” I appreciate the ministry of education and Sports for allowing this process to take place I pledge that we shall do all it takes to make sure that you achieve”

The newly elected Committee will be in office for four years (that is from 2024-2028)

UPSSA elected Committee (2024-2028)

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President – William Bwambale
1st Vice president-Pauline Musigire
2nd Vice president- Micheal Nalugoda
3rd Vice President- Sarah Aol

Central representatives

Kagolo Sarah
Namiiro Zaam
Bwire Hillary


Pauline Getrude Aujo
Sulaiman Matovu

Western Region

Kalungi Harriet Kasemera
Justus Mubangizi
Alex Biryo


Babulya Edith
John Peter Okwol
Joel Micheal Chebet


Ronald Micheal Anguzu
Chris Okuta
Watenga Maureen

Secretary for Women

Diana Komugisha

National Coordinator SNE – Mwomeezi Joshua

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