The Bika Byabaganda rules and regulations committee was launched on Thursday 27th April in Bulange Mengo ahead of the 2023 tournaments (football and Netball)
The Committee that comprises of nine members was launched by the Bika Byabaganda Football and Netball Committee chairman Hajji Sulaiman Magala.
The Committee will have Bika Byabaganda Football and Netball Committee members (BIFONEC) Gerald Katamba, Technical director Mansoor Kabuga, Catherine Nakigudde and Rose Kaala
The Sports Minister Ffumbe Clan Juma Kasolo, John Ssebwato from reigning champions Ndiga, Sam Mubiru ( Mamba Namakaka), Davis Katabira ( Mamba Nankere) and Hajjat Fatia Kitaka are the other members on the committee.
Magala called upon all clans to start on the preparations early enough as the tournament is tentatively expected to kick off on 13th May,
“This committe will do all the necessary ammendments in the Bika Byabaganda Football and Netball tournaments and we expect much from them.”
“If all goes well we expect to kick start this year’s tournament on 13th May so I call upon all clans to start early preparations.”
Ndiga are the defending champions they defeated Lugave 1-0 in football.
In Netball Ngeye were crowned champions after defeating Mamba Namakaka 37-35.