New Uganda Rugby Union Executive Revealed

By admin
1 Min Read


The new Uganda Rugby Union Executive was elected at the Annual General Meeting that was held on Sunday, 23rd April.

Godwin Kayangwe was re-elected as President after overcoming Philip Kiboijana.

Kayangwe garnered 65 votes while his competitor Kiboijana managed 8 votes.

Kayangwe re-elected as Uganda Rugby Union President

The landslide victory will see Kayangwe who serve for another four years as the Union President.

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Meanwhile, Omoto County Member of Parliament Andrew Oulanya was elected Vice President Commercial after managing 57 votes. He beat competitors Nathan Wasolo and Cheman Salem who received 12 and 5 votes respectively.

Eric Butime beat Zeno Ochieno to the Vice President Technical position. Butime received 49 votes with Ochieno managing 24.

Peter Odong retained his position as URU Secretary, obtaining 50 votes over Regina Lunyolo’s 24.

Uganda Rugby Union Executive Committee 2023-2027:

1.President – Godwin Kayangwe
2.Vice President Commercial – Andrew Oulanya
3.Vice President Technical – Eric Butime
4.Secretary – Peter Odong
5.Treasurer – Kennedy Mulindwa
6.Women Representative – Prossy Nakakande
7.Age grade & Development – Dorothy Nekesa
8.Upcountry Representative – Duncan Kirya

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