St Noa Girls beat Kitende to clinch Wakiso Region Basketball title

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St Noa Girls dethroned St.Mary’s Secondary School Kitende to the Wakiso Region Girls Basketball title.

St. Noa smiled to a 67-49 victory over their arch-rivals Kitende in the entertaining final at Kabaka Kyabaggu Stadium on Sunday.

In the first quarter, St.Noa led 23-7, 39-15 and in the second 59-39 and 67-49 after the third and fourth respectively.

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Resty Nanangwe managed 26 points and 9 rebounds while Zoe Atek was the best rebounder with 12 and managing 9 points.

Despite being on the losing side Josephine Najuuko and Mariam Namukwaya scored 14 and 10 points respectively.

This is the second Wakiso Region Girls Basketball title for St.Noa adding to their 2019 triumph.

St.Noa, Kitende, Buddo SS and Mbogo Mixed Secondary School will represent Wakiso Region at the Fresh Dairy Games due in Ndejje, Bombo this month.

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